Transplantations Centre
Prof. Massimo Aglietta
Phone: 011.993.3623
Fax: 011.993.3628
Directorate and standard admission 4th floor;
Day hospital ground floor;
Out-patient services 1st floor
The Stem Cell Transplant Centre is part of the Directorate di Medical Oncology and has been in operation at the I.R.C.C.S. of Candiolo since 2000. The Transplant Centre in-patient service is composed of 4 intensive care therapy rooms, equipped with HEPA filters and positive pressure filters intended to contain, during the phase of bone marrow aplasia, infections from external agents. The Transplant Centre is staffed by the professional figures required to achieve maximum efficiency and efficacy of all phases in the process of care and, for this reason, it takes charge of the patient for the whole time necessary to ensure constant assistance and management of the possible problems regarding the procedure.
The chief mission of the Transplant Centre is to provide patients suffering from the principal onco-haematological diseases (acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma ) and with some selected kinds of solid tumour (germinal tumours and Ewing's Sarcoma) the transplantation of haemopoietic stem cells as a therapeutic strategy. The centre performs autologous stem cell transplants and allogeneic stem cell transplants (from a donor). In this type of transplant, in the absence of a compatible family member, the donor is selected from the worldwide donor (WBMDR).
While in the autologous transplant the stem cells play a role in the reconstitution of the haemopoietic system, in the transplant of bone marrow from a donor (allogeneic), beside this role they also play a role in cellular immunotherapy towards the tumour (Graft Versus tumour effect).